13 Aug

According to the World Economic Forum (A global authority to bring together business and help to shape world agenda), cyber security is one of the most significant concerns faced by this world.

Whether you are doing online banking, interacting with friends, or checking out shopping outlets near your place, the internet is your best ally.

What is undesirable here is that this excellent platform also puts you at risk of cyber attacks. Here your every move can be scrutinised, and your private data can be hacked.

Given the technologically advanced digital threats in the UAE, there is a wide range of managed security services Dubai available that helps you to achieve online security at reasonable prices.

Here are some possible ways you can employ to protect your organisation and employees from digital data theft:

1) Alert the team which is entrusted with the responsibility

Companies must devise a formal response plan to follow in the event of cyber attack. The response plan must be tailored to your organisation’s needs and circumstances.

The important thing to include in the plan is the clear identification of the response team. The team must be a group of individuals who are entrusted with the core responsibility.

The plan must also mention communication pathway in the face of a cyber-incident.

The company must also be considering that when your network is compromised, an attacker may have filtrated into your system. So, online communication over the monitored network is also insecure.

 2. Authenticate data breach

Every threat or data breach is not significant enough to justify a thorough investigation.

So, the organisation must collect detailed information about the cyber incident to get an idea of the extent of the data breach.

Managed security services providers in Dubai help your company to determine whether the vulnerability exists in reality or not.

3) Optimize security solutions

Devise a security program based on underlying critical elements:

a) Confidentiality:

The data is accessible to only those who are reliable and need to have an access

b) Accountability

Each activity is attributed to a responsible individual. Likewise, you must have an identified team of individuals who are responsible for launching a quick response in the event of a malicious attack.

c) Provenance:

This is crucial to provide the origin of every activity and each piece of information. Thus helps in keeping track of data in the event of cyber-attack.

4) Refine your response plan for future events

After a cyber-incident, you must assess the effectiveness of your company’s response and further refine your response plan for future attacks.

Besides eliminating vulnerabilities in your system, those at the helm of the affairs must review and revise their plan by incorporating lessons learnt.

Parting Note

With advancing digitalisation in the UAE, it became impossible to keep up to date with emerging cyber security threats. It is incredibly difficult to differentiate between real threats and the ones aired by the media. For this, we can follow experts who are insightful of the current cyber-security trends.

Managed security service providers keep your company’s online presence and networks as safe as possible. Thus your organisation is secured in the face of malicious attacks.

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